Fast Cash Title Loans - Creating Healthy Boundaries
Boundary fence Boundaries allow us room for freedom. I know it sounds contradicting, but first hear me out. When you put up a fence around your yard, it gives your dog the freedom to play and run around wherever they want without the worry of them going too far, getting lost or running away. If you didn’t have a fence you would worry constantly about your dog. We have to put up a fence in a lot of areas of our lives; in our relationships, in our time management, and in our finances. I’m a firm believer that by putting these boundaries in place you’re giving yourself freedom from a few of life’s stresses and worries. I’ll explain… Budget. How can you budget when you have nothing to budget? For some of us this might be true, but chances are you have some kind of income. It is important to know where your money is going, even if it is very little. Unfortunately, many of us are not taught this important lesson early on. It is time for us to develop habits we can incorporate into o...